6 September 2012

Back to School 2012

Across the world, schools, colleges and universities are returning to their mission of teaching and scholarship. The sense of renewal which affects educators at this time reminds us that good education is itself a process of on-going renewal of the human person in the light of the wisdom and traditions which we have been privileged to receive. As educators, despite the often dazzling mountains of forward-planning documents around us, we do not yet know what this academic year will bring: education, thankfully, is full of surprises. What we can do, however, is to constantly seek excellence in our profession, both in the 'grand' schemes and in the minutiae of daily life. Most of all, let us treasure the opportunity we have been given to help young (and not so young) people in their integral formation. This is how we can  - and should - make a difference.

'Taking Education Seriously' has not published over the summer months. Normal service is now resuming. Many heartfelt thanks to all who consult this blog and send me their comments and thoughts. I wish you all a good 'academic' new year.